Productions & Workshops

Productions & Workshops

Sci Comm through Art, Arts Education Foundation, e-learning, 27.5-31.5-2024.

Virtual Writing Lab, Arts Education Foundation, online event, 5.4.-26.4.2024.

But how do you do? - Theoretical and analytical involvement in post-approaches to educational research, Nordic Education Research Association (NERA Pre-Conference), Reykjavik, Iceland, 31-1.5.2022

Quality Criteria for Posthuman Educational Research, Nordic Education Research Association (NERA Pre-Conference), Odense, Denmark Nov. 2.-3. 11.2021

Going 360: A Virtual Reality Event, Helsinki Think Company, Helsinki. Finland,17.- 18.10.2018

Writing Bootcamp, HYVÄT (PhD Student Assocation), University of Helsinki, Finland, 13.11.2017

Image: Going 360 advertisement poster. Co-produced and coordinated the two day event. Day one consisted of talks on virtual reality presented by current industry leaders in Finland. Day two participants got to write and create their own 360 videos.

Ateneum & Kuviataidelukio : Alice Neal Visual Thinking Strategies Youth Workshops (November 2016)

Co- producer of event & VTS facilitator/workshop instructor.

Image of Kuvataidelukio students at the Atemeum/VTS Alice Neal workshop session: Photo by Erica Othman.

Visual Thinking Strategies Teacher Education Workshops, Frontier School of Excellence (in conjunction with Arts Education Foundation), 2013

Breakfast with Babies Aug’ 2006 -Community event engaging mothers with babies in art experiences.