
Sinquefield-Kangas, Rachel; Essi Ikonen, and Boshra Najari (2024).Hair-Power Performativity: A co-experimental braiding together of speculative fabulation and critical inquiry. Matter: Journal of New Materialist Research,9,1-19. DOI:

Ylirisku, H., Hohti, R., Mehto, V., & Sinquefield-Kangas, R. (2024). Entangling with the landscape: a methodological walking art experiment. Environmental Education Research, 1–17. DOI:10.1080/13504622.2024.2370993

Sinquefield-Kangas, R. (2023) Lektio: Matter(s) of Empathy in Art Education and Research. Nuorisotutkimus 41, pp. 58-63. DOI: 10.57049/nuorisotutkimus.9138239

Doctoral Dissertation

Sinquefield-Kangas, R. (2023). Matter(s) of Empathy in Art Education and Research (Doctoral dissertation). University of Helsinki, Finland.

Article on empathy & spacetimemattering

Sinquefield-Kangas, R., Ojala, A., and Niinisto, H., (2022). (Re)Thinking time: Materializing more-than-human empathy in student teachers’ video artworks. Studies in Art Education, 63(1), pp. 39-54. DOI: 10.1080/00393541.2021.2007714

Article on empathy performativity

Sinquefield-kangas, Rachel, Rajala, Antti and Kumpulainen, Kristiina (2022), ‘Exploring empathy performativity in students’ video artworks’, International Journal of Education Through Art, 18:2, pp. 145–60, DOI: 10.1386/eta_00091_1

Looking for Empathy in Visual Encounters

Sinquefield-Kangas, R. (2019). Looking for empathy in visual encounters. International Journal of Education & the Arts, 20(21). Retrieved from

Sinquefield-Kangas, R. & Myllyntaus, O. E. (2019). Herbert Read and the Fourth Industrial Revolution: Visual Arts Curriculum Framework. In Coutts, G. & Torres Eça, T. (eds.) Learning through Art: Lessons for the 21st Century? (pp. 137-151). InSEA, International Society for Education through Art. Retrieved from